To questionnaire of construction communication on the creation of informed methodology

: 59 - 63

A. Tokarska «To questionnaire of construction communication on the creation of informed methodology»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article is devoted to the problems of the theory of the cognitive process, which is connected not only with the establishment of the truth, but with the presence of unequal approaches to the methodology of philosophical and legal science. The issue of the reversibility of the process of cognition, ethical knowledge, which has moral and value criteria, which should be discussed in order to develop the knowledge of the integrative methodology, has been violated.
The emergence of the need to discuss the problems of the crisis in modern philosophy of law arises in connection with the main cause – the methodological contradictions around the concepts of method, methodology, names of methods that are justified in the study or unregulated. This is precisely what caused the ripening of the idea of developing a common integrative methodology, which can be communicated and directed not only to cognition but to practice. Such scientific communication still expects its development, as there are  many reasons besides those mentioned. It is a question of inter-language discrepancy between the seemingly identical concepts in world languages, as well as the controversy which dialectic has the right to descriptive jurisprudence.

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