
Формальна модель відображення семантичних характеристик у словниках

The article deals with the importance of information technologies for solving practical problems of linguistics. The expediency of presenting the semantic characteristics of verbs in explanatory dictionaries is proven. On the basis of the information theory of lexicographic systems the formal model of representation of semantic characteristics of verbs in dictionaries is built.

Submission multidimensional data to manage IT projects

Tthe article presents the theoretical principles and proposes methodological and practical recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the information system. The analysis of the basic principles and techniques of project management and information processes is presented and methodology of corporate information systems project management is grounded.

Modeling the adsorption connections and their influence on informational parameters of metal-electrolyte interface

The methodology of mathematical modeling and the information tools for determination of the influence of an adsorption on the physical characteristics of the electric double layer of the "metal-electrolyte" interface are described

Mathematical and software aspects of modelling age structure of development of two types of forest

Simulation is carried out by numerical analysis of the dynamic system equations by the Runge-Kutta method. Consistently described the construction of a model that takes into account both interspecies competitionand ranks of other factors: light, water-logging, age structure, rainfall, external influences. The results of simulation obtained on the created software. The possibilities of using the created model local level to ensure the development of an information and decision support in forest management.

Geothermal model of the Earth’s crust across the Eastern Carpatians along the seismsc profile Dobre-3 (PANCAKE)

This paper presents two-dimensional numerical models of the thermal structure of the crust and upper mantle in the Carpathians region based on new seismic data along the profile Dobre-3 (PANKACE) from East European Craton to Pannonian basin (PB). Heat flow and temperature distribution in the crust can be explained by lithosphere structure and Cenozoic tectonic and magmatic activity.

Modeling elastic-dynamic effects of the crust under nuclear power plant (on the example of Chornobyl NPP)

Purpose. The aim of study is to create the method of seismic wave fields modeling for a broad class of vertically and horizontally inhomogeneous layered media. Simulation will make it possible to more precisely assess the characteristics of sedimentary strata in the study of the transmission characteristics of the environment under the engineering structures. Methodology. At modeling in engineering seismology should be used a wide frequency range (from 0 to 200 Hz) to study all possible effects on engineering structures.

Thе formation of rеlationships schеmе in the systеm of managеmеnt of land rеsourcеs in the procеss of bordеring lands of statе and municipal propеrty as for sеttlеmеnts on the basis of institutional approach

In the article the problems of settlements land management in separation procedure of land in state and municipal property in the current stage of state development is shown. The management model of settlements land use which include the state, public and private interests are proposed.


Optimization of Oxidation Desulphurization of Power-generating Coal

An experimental statistic model of power-generating coal oxidative desulphurization has been developed and its adequacy has been proved. On the basis of the proposed model the desulphurization optimal conditions for three samples of power-generating coal were determined. The low-sulphur solid fuel with the content of general sulphur of 1.0–1.5 mas % was obtained under established optimal conditions.

Hydrodynamics Modeling of Gas Separator Inertial and Filter Elements for Natural Gas Fine Cleaning

The trends in the development of modern gas separation equipment have been considered. On the basis of computer modeling the optimal size of the device has been obtained. Reasonable choice of a computer and mathematical experiments, as a research method has been shown. The experimental results of the double-circuit dust collector investigations have been represented.