

Noise pollution is a significant environmental and social problem for rail transport and urban areas. This paper describes an approach to noise monitoring based on the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into acoustic data collection and analysis systems. The SVAN 958A spectral analyzer was used as the measuring equipment, which allows obtaining accurate noise data in real time.

The need to use enterprise management monitoring in the context of the transition to green energy

In today’s environment, domestic enterprises are increasingly aware of the importance of transitioning to green energy. In this direction, organisations are considering emission standards, using energy-efficient technologies, considering environmental aspects of production, etc. Businesses that reduce their carbon footprint are generally more likely to attract investment. They are also more socially oriented and balanced in terms of sustainable development.

Selecting a Monitoring Technology for a Control System of Distributed Oil Production Facilities

The article proposes the structure of a SCADA system for monitoring and control of oil production facilities that are distributed over a large area. The main emphasis is on the selection of technology that will enable effective monitoring of the equipment of each oil well. Factors such as reliability, ease of use, availability of protection against third-party interference, as well as availability and accessibility of an open-source software code were taken into account. After reviewing the most common software platforms, a system based on Prometheus and Grafana was selected.

Особливості автоматизованих систем роздільної утилізації побутових відходів

Розглянуто проблему побутових відходів та засади національного регулювання поводження з відходами. Проаналізовано системи роздільного управління відходами.

The problem of waste and the principles of national regulation of radioactive waste.
Analyzed the system of separate waste management.

Інтелектуальна система моніторингу та обслуговування клієнтів у ресторанному бізнесі

Запропоновано методи вирішення задач моніторингу та обслуговування клієнтів у ресторанному бізнесі. Ці задачі реалізовано та вирішено в інтелектуальній системі моніторингу та обслуговування клієнтів.

This article is devoted to the solving tasks of monitoring and service of customers in restaurant business. These tasks are realized and decided in the intellectual system of monitoring and service of customers.

Математична модель зображень сцени, що містить літаки

Розглянуто математичну модель зображень літаків на довільному фоні. Запропонована модель розглядає зображення як множину текстур. Враховуються як негативні природні впливи на зображення, так і особливості зображень літаків на сцені за різних умов. Модель придатна для розроблення віконних методів опрацювання згаданих зображень.


Implementing cyber-social computing components and cloud management services based on metric cyber-physical monitoring for social processes is aimed at creating a cyber-state to ensure a high quality of life for citizens. Logical schemes of cyber-social computing are provided for creating a cyber-physical structure of cloud management for the university based on metric digital monitoring of scientific and educational processes.


This paper presents the design and development of an intelligent air quality monitoring system that utilizes the widely adopted and versatile Arduino Uno microcontroller as its foundational platform. The system underwent comprehensive testing procedures to ensure its adherence to specified requirements. Moreover, a series of experiments were conducted in diverse areas of a residential environment to generate datasets for various air quality indicators.

Development of a Video Surveillance System for Motion Detection and Object Recognition

This article explores the development of a video surveillance system that utilizes cuttingedge technology to analyze the video stream in real-time, identify motion, and recognize objects within the video stream. The functionality of this system enables it to provide a high level of accuracy in identifying objects, even in low-light conditions or with low-resolution cameras. The software system has been designed as a user-friendly desktop application with the latest technologies and features that will ensure its relevance and easy maintenance in the future.

Principles of developing a web application for monitoring employee skills

Summarizing the definition of the concept of "skills" from the reviewed literary sources, we determine that: skills are a combination of knowledge and skills that a person has acquired during his life. To improve skills, you need to choose certain tools (trainings, seminars, webinars, online courses, refresher courses, reading special literature, etc.). Personal qualities and attitudes of young people are important in choosing tools and achieving results. As part of this study, the principles of building a web application for monitoring the skills of employees were designed and developed.