
The management of the ethnocultural diversity in the countries of developed democracies

The article analyzes the experience of solving ethnic national problems in multi-ethnic countries of developed democracies. In particular, in the US, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, Hungary, from the perspective of the formation of the basic principles of the ethnonational policy of Ukraine.

Теоретико-правові проблеми мультикультуралізму як традиційної моделі адаптації

Розглянуто проблеми мультикультуралізму, оскільки розвиток різноманітних
процесів у світі ставить під питання цю традиційну модель адаптації, доводячи її
недієвість і невідповідність сьогоденню

Unity, plurality and fractality of culture in the contemporary world

The article is dedicated to the philosophical investigation of the problem of unity and plurality as features of culture in the contemporary world, which is carried out on basis of the methodology peculiar to the present-day paradigm of understanding science. The paradigm in question is denoted as “post-non-classical” and features nonlinear, dialectical approach to its objects of study that appear as unique and human-commensurable self-organizing systems.

Migration crisis in the EU: security of external borders at stake and inter-ethnic relationships aggravating

This article covers the problem of the current migration crisis in the EU countries. Special focus is placed on analyzing problems with the security of EU external borders and aggravating inter-ethnic conflicts. The author notes that the migration wave brings along the problem of the integration of migrants in European societies, revives the ethnocentric rhetoric of many European politicians. Further, the theory of multiculturalism is criticized, anti-Islamic sentiment is intensifying, ultra-right and nationalist parties are developing in European countries.