
On the question of individualization of punishment when its appointment

The article proves that the key to achieving the goal of punishment, in each individual case,
should be compliance with the general rules and algorithms for imposing punishment (in their
entirety), which are provided for in the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Therefore, the provisions of Article 65 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine single out certain
principles of punishment. In particular, the court, while administering justice, imposes punishment:
1) based on the provisions of the General part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine; 2) within the limits

On the question of finding the circumstances, what should be established in criminal proceedings regarding minors

The fight against juvenile delinquency is one of the important activities of the pre-trial investigation bodies, the prosecutor’s office and the court, which carry out criminal proceedings. The Criminal Procedure Code obliges the bodies conducting criminal proceedings against juveniles to establish in as much detail as possible the circumstances concerning the characteristics of the juvenile’s personality and the circumstances aimed at identifying the causes and conditions that contributed to his commission of a criminal offense.

Процесуальний порядок доказування обставин, що мають значення для спростування підозри (обвинувачення)

Визначено процесуальну суть доказування обставин з метою спростування підозри.
Проаналізовано нормативні акти, які надають можливість процесуально спростувати
підозру. Визначено обставини, які впливають на зменшення ступеня тяжкості вчиненого
кримінального правопорушення. Окреслено основні обов’язкові елементи адвоката з
спростування підозри у злочині.

Circumstances, to be proved during the conduct of pre-trial investigation passengers thefts committed on railway transport of Ukraine

The article analyzes the peculiarities of circumstances to be proved in the pre-trial investigation passengers thefts committed on the railways of Ukraine. Examines the main theoretical and methodological approaches to define the circumstances subject to proof in criminal proceedings. Proven that are listed in article the circumstances require findings and evidence in all criminal proceedings on the fact of theft of personal property of passengers committed on railway transport of Ukraine.