The fight against juvenile delinquency is one of the important activities of the pre-trial investigation bodies, the prosecutor’s office and the court, which carry out criminal proceedings. The Criminal Procedure Code obliges the bodies conducting criminal proceedings against juveniles to establish in as much detail as possible the circumstances concerning the characteristics of the juvenile’s personality and the circumstances aimed at identifying the causes and conditions that contributed to his commission of a criminal offense. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and normative materials on the improvement of criminal procedural legislation, which regulates the circumstances to be proved in criminal proceedings against minors.
In the article the problems of circumstances that need to be established and investigated in relation to a special category of persons - minors who have committed a criminal offense. Analyzed the relationship between the concepts "proof" and "establishing" in the theory of criminal procedure. Forensic analysis of the range of circumstances is carried out; also it's classification and the characteristic of its individual groups is exercised. Substantiates the provisions that indicate that the circumstances relating to the subject of evidence in criminal proceedings against minors, in essence, only detail the elements of the general subject of evidence, orienting the investigator, prosecutor and court to an in-depth study of circumstances relevant to the juvenile legal final decision.
It is concluded that the circumstances concerning the subject of evidence in criminal proceedings against minors, in essence, only detail the elements of the general subject of evidence, orienting the investigator, prosecutor and court to in-depth study of the circumstances relevant to the juvenile’s final decision
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