
Reffering to the Life and Work of Roman Ingarden (Review of the collective monograph “Philosophy of Roman Ingarden and the Modernity”. Ed. by Dm. Shevchuk. Ostroh: Publishing House of the National University “Ostroh Academy”, 2021)

The content and main issues of the collective monograph “Philosophy of Roman Ingarden and Modernity” edited by Dmytro Shevchuk, issued on materials of the International Conference, which took place in Lutsk at the National University “Ostroh Academy”. In this monograph covered the views and fundamental problems of the famous Polish philosopher in the field of ontology, epistemology, anthropology, axiology, philosophy of literature. We can assume that the authors of the monograph managed to achieve the goal: outlined the significance of R.

Analysis of Metrics for Intelligent Information Systems

The problem of constructing metrics is crucial for solving the problem of quantitative evaluation of both systems of objects of arbitrary nature as a whole and the relationships that describe the connections between the components of these systems. Modern information systems simulate subject areas that contain objects and systems of complex structure. The network model is most appropriate for describing the world around it: it reflects objects and systems of objects of arbitrary nature that interact with each other. In fact, any system can be described using a network model.

Situation awareness support system in the software testing process

The paper is devoted to the development of a prototype information system based on ontological modeling using logical inference (descriptive logic) in the process of software testing.

The actual problem of using situational awareness as a key factor in designing the decision support system is considered.

For the practical application of the developed methods of critical situations identification the software testing industry has been selected. It is related to the complexity of the software development processes and the high cost of error.

Use of ontological networks in decision support systems under ambiguity

The increasing amount of information that needs to be taken into account in decision making determines the relevance of building intelligent decision support systems. The prerequisite for making the right decision is to build a correct conceptual model of the problem situation, which takes into account all the factors relevant to this situation. The conceptualization of the problem situation is presented by the ontology of that situation. When forming the ontology of a situation, it is advisable to use knowledge from existing ontologies.

Game method of ontology clustering

In this paper the important problem of ontology clustering is considered with the purpose of optimization of intelligent data processing in conditions of uncertainty caused by inaccuracy or incompleteness of data in the subject area. The clustering of ontologies is the process of automatic splitting of a set of ontologies into groups (clusters) based on their similarity degree.

Реферування текстових документів на основі зважування міри tf-idf онтологією предметної галузі

Розглянуто підхід до автоматизації реферування текстових документів на основі модифікації міри TF-IDF онтологією предметної галузі, до якої належить реферований документ. Розроблено метод реферування, який ґрунтується на такому підході.

Методи та засоби структурування і зберігання даних в електронних медичних картках

Описано інформаційну систему “Імуноскрин 2.0”, призначену для централізованого збирання і зберігання медичних даних у галузі імунології. Подано основні принципи проектування і розроблення системи. У системі використано спеціальну OWL-онтологію для структурування даних, автоматизації введення інформації та створення звітів.

Автоматизація процесу розвитку базової онтології на основі аналізу текстових ресурсів

Розглянуто автоматизацію побудови онтології на основі аналізу текстових ресурсів. Розвиток онтології починається з деякої базової онтології, яка задає досліджувану предметну область. Розроблено алгоритм розвитку такої онтології.

The Use of Contextual Graphs for Decision Support in Recruiting

Taking in consideration the current context is an important requirement for knowledge based systems. The article discusses the application of context-sensitive decision support in the area of employment solutions providing. The research is based on employment area business process analysis which resulted in ontology construction. Next, the models for context representation are compared and models based on ontology and graphs are chosen for processing of contextual knowledge. Enhanced JDL model with specified context processing operations is introduced.

Розроблення чотирирівневої моделі онтології автоматизації синтезу МЕМС

In the paper the four-layer ontology model for automated design of microelectromechanical systems is proposed and the peculiarities of every level are described.