
Задачі оптимізації структури та змісту онтології та методи їх розв’язування

In the paper the evaluation of the optimization problems that arise during the automatic ontology building on its structures and content. Formed a series of such problems. The methods and algorithms for their solution.

Застосування онтологічних моделей для побудови програмних систем

In this paper mathematical formalization for software system based on ontological models is proposed. Formalization is built using algebraic types system approach. Developed formal representation of models and modeling system.

Формальна модель подання знань у системі онтологічного моделювання задач

In this paper we propose a formalization of ontology-based task execution modeling system. It is built using approach of algebraic systems theory. We show that proposed algebraic system is based on multiple domains, which can be used for ontological models representation and knowledge elucidation, storage and processing

Підхід до автоматичної побудови функцій інтерпретації під час навчання онтологій

In the paper the approach to automated construction of interpretation functions (axioms) of concepts and relations of the domain ontology during its training are considered. The method of recognizing the semantics of natural language texts and its representation in the form of descriptive logic.

Метод видобування знань з текстових документів

In the paper a method an algorithm and tools for selection of knowledge from a text document are suggested. It is shown that this algorithm has to be multistage and involve hierarchical procedure of concepts recognition of relations, predicates and rules which are introduced into the resulting ontology.

Метод використання онтологій у петлі OODA

In the paper the behavior of an intelligent agent in a competitive environment is investigated in the paper. The OODA loop is chosen for behavior simulation. The interaction of OODA loop stages (observation, orientation, decision support, action) with the ontology of tasks and subject area in which the agent operates was explored.

Застосування онтологій і метамоделей для динамічної інтеграції слабоструктурованих даних

This paper reviews the opportunities of the use of ontologies and meta-models for the creation of the system of dynamic integration of semistructured data. The process of the converting semistructured data into the structured information has been described. The dynamic integration of semistructured data at different levels of complexity (physical, logical and global) has been considered.

Проблема автоматизованої розбудови базової онтології

In the paper the method of the automatic development of ontology has been developed. A method, algorithm and means for selection of knowledge from the text document is proposed. It is shown that this algorithm has to be multistage and involve hierarchical recognition procedure of concepts, relations, predicates and rules which are included into the resulting ontology.

Метод оцінювання якості онтологій баз знань інтелектуальних систем на основі ISO/IEC 25012

The importance of ontology within concepts of the knowledge base and intelligent systems is considered in the article. Standard ISO/IEC 25012 has been offered for evaluation of ontologies qualities of knowledge bases of intelligent decision support systems.

Semantic search and storage of data of scientific and technical information system

This paper describes the semantic search and storage of data of scientific and technical information system. The proposals of semantic structuring of the content of scientific and technical information system with explicitly structured representation of semantic relations between information objects contained in the system have been presented. The main components of the mathematical model of ontology of scientific and technical information system for semantic search and storage of scientific and technical information resource have been determined.