
Syntez kulachkovoho pryvodnoho mekhanizmu rolykovoi formuvalnoi ustanovky z optymalnym rezhymom rukhu za pryskorenniam chetverto[Synthesis of the cam drive mechanism of the roller molding construction with optimum mode by acceleration of the fourth order]

For the purpose of increase in reliability and durability of roller forming installation the optimum mode of back and forth motion of the forming cart on acceleration of the fourth order is calculated. Kinematic characteristics of the forming cart at the optimum mode of back and forth motion on acceleration of the fourth order are calculated.

Comparative analysis of the resonant vibro-impact two and three-mass structure systems with linear friction

The optimization model based on the criteria of energy efficiency of vibration systems is considered. This criterion is presented as the ratio of maximum of the working mass acceleration to consumption power of system. Optimization task is added of constraints that determine the technological aspects of vibrational resonant type - the width of the resonance zone, coefficient asymmetry of acceleration, maximum acceleration of the working mass. Searching of stiffness of asymmetric piecewise linear elastic properties at the basic of synthesis is entrusted.

Optimization of parametric balanced modulator based on frequency symbolic method

Application of the frequency symbolic method for analysis of established modes of linear periodically time-variable (LPTV) circuits to solving an optimization task conditioned by the control of their asymptotic stability is considered. The results of optimization of a parametric balanced modulator with respect to the criterion which is based on calculation of the parametric transfer functions approximated by Fourier trigonometric polynomials are presented.

Acceleration of the parameters identification for dynamic models construction using parallelization

Construction of mathematical models for nonlinear dynamical systems using optimization requires significant computation efforts to solve the optimization task. This makes it reasonable to use parallelization of calculations for optimization task solving, especially taking into account current tendency for increasing the number of CPU cores in a single chip. The effectiveness of particular parallel implementation of optimization process is the subject of investigation in this paper.

Optimization with the use of the genetic algorithm method and parallel computing

The work presents the description of a method for performing optimized calculations with the use of the genetic algorithm method performed on computers paralleled in a cluster. It defines the scope of electromagnetic calculations which must be performed in order to determine the objective function. It also provides sample factors describing the quality of paralleling the calculation process.

Tolerance analysis and optimization of linear periodically time-variable circuits based on the frequency symbolic method

The paper presents the procedures of tolerance analysis and optimization of linear periodically time-variable circuits, based on the frequency symbolic method and realized by the system of functions MAOPCs in an environment MATLAB.

Process Optimization of Vibroresonance Sewage Disinfection

Mathematical models which adequately combine their technological parameters with indicators of treatment quality have been designed for the cavitation cleaning processes of sewage from organic admixtures. Water of brewing, milk processing industry and public water use it is considered as sewage.

Формування портфеля проектів за допомогою двоетапної процедури

The problems of organization and support management in organizations that implement their activities in the form of projects were considered, as well as the main approaches to managing a portfolio of projects, two-step procedure for drawing portfolio, taking into account both formal and informal aspects was proposed.

Ранжування веб-сайтів в мережі Інтернет

The article describes the design features of ranking websites in the global Internet, the analysis of the known systems and promotion resources was done and the internal and external factors of ranking were given. Possible schemes of Internet resources using the tools of link ranking were analyzed. We describe the main problems that arise when optimizing pages on the set of queries and give the scheme of splitting by keyword pages of the resource.

Аналіз математичних моделей планування в мультипроектному середовищі

Problems of organization, planning and maintenance management in organizations that implement their activity in the form of projects are considered. The critical analysis of the operation in this environment was carried out, major shortcomings and methods of overcoming them are pointed out.