Comparative analysis of the resonant vibro-impact two and three-mass structure systems with linear friction

: pp. 25-32

Gursky, V. (2016). Porivnialnyi analiz vibroudarnykh rezonansnykh system dvo- ta trymasovoi struktury z liniinym tertiam [Comparative analysis of the resonant vibro-impact two and three-mass structure systems with linear friction], 2016, 50, 25-32.

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The optimization model based on the criteria of energy efficiency of vibration systems is considered. This criterion is presented as the ratio of maximum of the working mass acceleration to consumption power of system. Optimization task is added of constraints that determine the technological aspects of vibrational resonant type - the width of the resonance zone, coefficient asymmetry of acceleration, maximum acceleration of the working mass. Searching of stiffness of asymmetric piecewise linear elastic properties at the basic of synthesis is entrusted. Synthesis of system was made by partial resonance adjustment for three-mass system, for two-mass system by introduced coefficients. Power advantages of the three-mass vibro-impact system are installed over the two-mass system. The effectiveness is confirmed as the simplified mechanical models, and the generalized system taking into account the dynamics of an electromagnetic drive. The results of evaluated the performance of vibro-impact systems was comparison.

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