
Features of Pre-trial Investigation of Smuggling of Narcotic Substances, Psychotropic Substances, Their Analogues or Precursors, or Counterfeit Medicinal Products

The article explores the peculiarities of pre-trial investigation of smuggling of narcotic substances, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors, or counterfeit medicinal products,. It emphasizes that the illegal circulation of narcotic substances at regional, national, and international levels is reaching alarming proportions that are constantly growing. As a result, there has been an increase in the number of criminal proceedings investigated within this category of criminal offenses.

Inacceptability of influence by prosecutors and lawyers on the activities of judges

  Abstract. Prosecutors and lawyers, whose work involves ensuring the application of the law and, at the same time, diligently respecting court decisions, the enforcement of which is often their duty, must protect the right to appeal during their execution. It is clear that the reverse is also true: judges must respect prosecutors as representatives of these professional bodies and not interfere with the performance of their duties.

Investigation of crimes committed by convicts in penal colonies of Ukraine

In order to improve the disclosure and investigation of crimes committed by convicts in the correctional colonies of Ukraine, to solve problematic issues that arise during the investigation of such crimes, there was a need to develop new scientifically based recommendations aimed at increasing the effectiveness of combating crime, in particular recidivism, as well as improvement of the organizational and legal foundations of the activity of the pretrial investigation body during the investigation of such crimes.

The issue of classification of participants in criminal proceedings and authorized to support an indictment in court

The issues of participants in criminal proceedings, authorized support of the prosecution in court are defined. СPC of Ukraine to the party of criminal proceedings - from the prosecution included the investigator, the interrogating officer, the head of the pre-trial investigation body, the head of the body of inquiry, the prosecutor, as well as the victim, his representative and a legal representative in cases established by CPC of Ukraine is analyzed.

Functions of the charge: content and stages of implementation

The analyzed positions of scientists that determine the content of criminal procedure functions. Here the question was examined regarding the content, the moment of occurrence and the stages of the implementation of the criminal procedure function of the prosecution. It is emphasized that the function of the prosecution is the driving force of the criminal process and contributes to the emergence of other criminal procedural functions of the defense and the trial.

Рrocedural management as a basis for the prosecutor's evidentiary activity in the pre-trial investigation

The article investigates the nature and content of procedural management as the basis of the prosecutor under preliminary investigation in the exercise of evidential activity. Making prosecutor activities to ensure the speed, comprehensiveness and impartiality of pretrial  investigation unthinkable without him authority to guide the investigation, which is that the prosecutor organizes and supervises the activities of the investigator with evidence in criminal proceedings.


Рarticipation of the prosecutor in proving circumstances justifying the application of preventive measures

Strengthening the role of prosecutors by the exercise of supervision in the form of pre-trial investigation procedure requires management to study the characteristics exercising their judicial powers on key areas of criminal procedural activities.