пропускна здатність

Модифікований алгоритм Гоморі-Ху для оптимізації мереж, основаних на технології SDH

Запропоновано модифікований алгоритм Гоморі-Ху для оптимізації мереж, орієн- тованих на технологію SDH.

Modified Gomory-Hu SDH oriented algorithm for network optimization is proposed.

Impact of traffic volume and composition on the change in the speed of traffic flow

The problem of the change in the speed of traffic flow at different traffic volumes and compositions is researched in this study. The section of the road network with different geometric parameters (descent, ascent and horizontal section) was chosen for the study. The method of investigation of traffic flow`s speed and factors which have an impact on the reduction of road network capacity are analyzed.

Capacity increasing of arterial streets with controlled motion

The problem of capacity increasing of arterial streets with controlled motion is investigated in this paper. For investigation, sections between intersections on the road network of Lviv city were chosen at their different length and roadway width with most saturated traffic. Methods of capacity increasing of arterial streets with controlled motion and factors that have impact on the capacity reduction are analyzed. Capacity of intersections at different volume-capacity ratios is determined. The distribution of average speed for sections between intersections of different length is built.

The road network traffic capacity taking into account public transport stops layout method

The vigorous motorization process is taking place in a growing number of countries year by year, and the number of people involved in road traffic is constantly increasing. The growth of the vehicle fleet and the volume of transportation lead to an increase in traffic that in the context of cities with a historical build-up leads to a traffic problem. It is particularly acute at the junctions of the road network. There is an increase in transport delays, queues, and congestion, causing reduce in speed, excessive fuel consumption, and increased wear-out of vehicle components and assemblies.

Impact of street parking on delays and the average speed of traffic flow

The article is devoted to the problem of the impact of street parking on delays and the average speed of traffic flow. The sections with different ways of putting vehicles near the roadway in the central part of Lviv city with the most saturated flow were exposed to scientific scrutiny. For this purpose, the program software PTV Vissim is used. The causes of the impact of street parking on traffic flow speed and roadway capacity are analyzed.