
Formation of rhetorical and communicative competences of a court speaker

The dynamic changes of today are manifested in the redistribution of the roles of the subject and the object of communication in the context of the growth of their professional knowledge. Therefore, in the context of modern information culture, the educational paradigm of information transformation is also significantly altered. The outward expression of a lawyer’s professional culture is evident in his rhetorical and communicative culture. It also reflects the entire socio-cultural experience that combines the components of the specialized and the ordinary.

Philosophical and legal determinants forming legal argentation at the New time (XVII–XIX centuries)

The  influence  of  philosophical-legal  ideas  of  the  period  of  the  New  Age,  the  main 
tendencies  of  the  development  of  logic  and  rhetoric  on  the  formation  of  the  theory  of  legal 
argument  is  revealed.  It  is  emphasized  the  decisive  influence  of  rationalism  as  a  new  scientific 
paradigm  on  the  formation  of  new  approaches  in  argumentation.  The  analysis  of  the 
correlation  between  logic  and  rhetoric  in  philosophical  knowledge  and  its  influence  on  the 

On the problems of translation of Theophanous Prokopovych's rhetorical terms into Ukrainian

The article analyzes the difficulties and problems underlying the translation into Ukrainian of Latin rhetorical terms, used and explained in a treatise “On the rhetorical art” by Theophanous Prokopovych (1707), taking into account modern tendencies in scientific and technical terminology organizing. Based on the conducted research and the review of current tendencies in the Ukrainian scientific style a conclusion has been made concerning the similarity of numerous phenomena and processes in the scientific language of the XVIII century and nowadays.

Становлення теорії юридичної аргументації у період античності та римського права

Схарактеризовано історію зародження теорії юридичної аргументації в філософії
Давньої Греції, розкриваються передумови та причини її появи та розвиту.
Проаналізовано софістику та її вплив на практику юридичної аргументації в античному
судочинстві, внесок Платона та Аристотеля на формування загальних теоретичних
основ аргументації, зокрема, у логіці та риториці, а також їх подальший розвиток та
вдосконалення у римському праві (на основі поглядів Цицерона та Сенеки Старшого).


The article deals with memes as expressive rhetorical resource in media representations of the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war and military conflict. It explores textual slogans of Russian propaganda that serve to legitimize external aggression. When these units are mirrored as intertextual material in the Ukrainian counter-discourse, they become critical targets for deconstructing fakes and decontamination of manipulative programs. The network of memetic signs is subordinated to the task of symbolic identification of conflict sides and their objectives.

Сicero phenomenon: theory and practice of rhetorical argumentation

Based on the analysis of creative heritage famous Roman orator, philosopher and politician, especially some of his judicial speeches found features applied his rhetorical argument for the purpose of proving and convincing opponents in court proceedings, attention is focused on the fact that determining the theoretical provisions aimed at development of public speaking, justified in the treatises of Cicero, built on a deep knowledge of rethinking and revision thinkers of antiquity, while based on a synthesis of his own practically experience.