система керування

Development of Experimental Setup to Investigate the Control System for Infusion Solutions Dosing Process

The paper presents the results on developing an experimental setup for the research into the control system for the solution dosing process based on the weighing method of dosing. According to the results of the dosing process analysis, in the dosing systems of materials or solutions, the critical parameter is the speed of the controller and the time of its communication with peripheral devices. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of implementing the necessary control algorithms, as well as supervision of the process.

Synthesis of PI- and PID-Regulators in Control Systems Derived by the Feedback Linearization Method

The work proposes a comprehensive approach to the synthesis of the coefficients of PI- and PID-controllers, as well as the coefficients of feedback based on the state variables of the system, using the feedback linearization method for the synthesis of control influences. This approach considers not only the static but also the dynamic characteristics of the system, allowing for higher control accuracy. The feedback linearization method facilitates the transformation of nonlinear systems into linear ones, simplifying their further analysis and controller design.

Synthesis and Analysis of Energy-Shaping Control Systems for Electric Vehicle Energy Traction Systems Based on Bldc Motor

Electromobility is rapidly advancing in modern society, driven by continuous development in energy storage systems, innovations in the design of highly efficient electric motors, and advancements in power electronics. This progress addresses numerous challenges for researchers while introducing new opportunities for further studies, particularly in shaping the dynamic and static characteristics of electric vehicle motors and optimizing control systems.

Modern Strategies for Controlling Wind Power Plants: Technologies, Challenges and Prospects

This paper explores the evolution of wind power plant (WPP) control strategies, from simple approaches aimed at optimizing the operation of individual wind turbines to the development of more complex systems that manage WPPs as single integrated entities. Particular attention is paid to the key requirements for WPP control systems and the analysis of WPP structure, especially in the context of their integration into the overall power system. The main objectives of WPP control systems have been studied.

Selecting a Monitoring Technology for a Control System of Distributed Oil Production Facilities

The article proposes the structure of a SCADA system for monitoring and control of oil production facilities that are distributed over a large area. The main emphasis is on the selection of technology that will enable effective monitoring of the equipment of each oil well. Factors such as reliability, ease of use, availability of protection against third-party interference, as well as availability and accessibility of an open-source software code were taken into account. After reviewing the most common software platforms, a system based on Prometheus and Grafana was selected.


This paper is devoted to the research of the important issue of increasing the efficiency and optimization of microclimate management processes in residential premises. The purpose of this study is to create an automated system for accurate setting and control of the main parameters of the microclimate in the room, which will make it possible to increase comfort and energy efficiency. To achieve the task, the Arduino platform is used, which is an open hardware and software system with a wide range of opportunities for developing embedded systems.


This paper presents a test platform paradigm for underwater dynamics measurement. The platform aims to ad- dress the limitations of current measurement techniques and provide a comprehensive understanding of underwater dynamics. The proposed platform incorporates advanced control systems and compensation techniques to improve the accuracy and reliability of measurements. The effectiveness of the platform is demonstrated through experimental results, showing improved performance compared to existing methods.

Система управління безпекою життєдіяльності мешканців великого міста

Розглянуто основні поняття безпеки життєдіяльності міста, особливості управління безпекою, постановка задачі управління безпекою міста, фактори впливу на безпкеку міста та наслідки цього впливу, проаналізовано зв”язок факторів впливу та наслідків для типових об”єктів та систем міського середовища.

Концепция реконфигурации управления для восстановления управляемости и устойчивости самолета в отказных ситуациях

Обоснована возможность применения системных методов реконфигурации управляющих поверхностей для возобновления управляемости и устойчивости самолета в условиях внезапного возникновения особой ситуации в полете. Приведена структурная и функциональная схема предложенной реконфигурируемой системы управления.

Метод структурного синтезу регулятора для збереження керованості та стійкості літака в умовах нештатної ситуації у польоті

Запропоновано метод структурного синтезу регулятора для збереження керова- ності та стійкості літака в умовах нештатної ситуації під час польоту.

The method of structural synthesis of regulator for maintenance controllability and stability of the airplane in the unmoral conditions is offered in the article.