social communication

Communicative culture and moral philosophy

Abstract. The scientific analysis of state-first processes regarding the functioning of the principles of tolerant cooperative interaction in social life gives grounds for drawing attention to the methodological foundations of the legal consciousness of civil society. Verbal/non-verbal aggression during the war for nine years destroys his spiritual values. The deepening of the signs of decline in the normativity of the foundations of tolerant communication leads to the leveling of the principles of freedom of speech, justice and responsibility.


Society always tries to be as informed as possible, especially if it concerns the political sphere. In the pre-election period, when the level of political activity increases, the information space becomes the field of their power struggle. The media have always been a kind of reference point in choosing the political sympathies of the addressees, and the content of the media shaped the attitude of these addressees toward reality. Since the public's responsibility for its political choices is high, the audience must always identify political advertising in any form.

Social communication as the interdisciplinary area: views of Juzeph Podguretsky

The aim of the study was to determine the role and place of the theoretical views of Jozef Podgurecki in the general theory of social communications.

Suggesting an analysis of social communication, J. Podguretsky never proved his logical reference to her interdisciplinary nature, but remained on the position of a psychologist, analyzing the ideas of cognitive imbalances, introversion, extraversion, empathy, ingratiation, transgression, and Machiavellianism.

New challenges for contemporary architecture: interdisciplinarity – innovation – social communication

This paper refers to seeking new possibilities for contemporary architecture to develop. The discussed problems focus on interdisciplinarity, innovation, social communication as elements indispensable for development. The article applies to the essence and the notion of relations between these elements. The presented examples illustrate selected design problems. Social communication is described as the determinant of modern society development based on information flow. Two projects are presented, both practical examples of the discussed issues.