
Дослідження поверхні матеріалу за статистичними ознаками зображення

Наведено результати дослідження оцінювання якості поверхні матеріалу за допомогою статистичних ознак зображення, зокрема розподіленої дисперсії, дисперсії силуетів та знімків. За базовий інструмент дослідження прийнято пакет визначення статистичних ознак візуальних образів.

The paper contains the results of material surface evaluation using statistical features of an image, in particular, using the distributed dispersion, dispersion of silhouettes and intensity pictures. The package of visual images feature extracting is considered as basic research tool.


The purpose of this study is to identify the peculiarities of the formation and location in the structure of urban spaces, modern wooden temple architecture, its harmonious coexistence with the existing residential and public environment of Lviv. There is also a need to show the features of the material (wood) and its relief, namely the texture as a component of the perception of image and form, which accentuate the building of the temple in the urban spatial structure of Lviv.

Recent horizontal deformations of the earth’s surface in central europe аrom GPS-campaign CERGOP


Recent horizontal components of deformation of the Earth's surface in Central Europe were computed from the results of GPS-campaign CERGOP. Charts are presented for distribution of the deformation components within the studied network. The values of the components are (-1,28 о 1,28) TO" yr\ Obtained values and distribution of the deformation components were compared with some similar investigations of Central Europe area as well as with other geophysical fields.