суспільна небезпека

Administrative offense in the budgetary sphere as a factual grounds administrative responsibility

The legal regulation of administrative responsibility in the budgetary sphere and the signs of offenses to which the socially dangerous, unlawful, guilty act or inactivity of the natural person affecting
relations between the state and the subjects of the budgetary process are investigated. The grounds of administrative responsibility in the budgetary sphere have been determined. The legislative regulation
of administrative responsibility in the budgetary sphere is analyzed. Conclusions have been made and recommendations made

Social conditionality of the appropriateness of criminalizing illegal enrichment in Ukraine

The article investigates the connection of the social determinants of the process of criminalizing acts. The main components determining the social precondition of the criminal law are systematized. The content of social, economic, organizational, state-building and European integration factors determining the expediency of criminal liability for illegal enrichment in Ukraine is determined. Emphasizes the increased social danger of illegal enrichment in modern conditions in Ukraine.1.