суспільні відносини

Legal imperatives of society tolerance relationship

The article defines the legal imperatives of tolerance of social relations. The problem of tolerance is connected with a number of fundamental philosophical and worldview questions that affect the understanding of man, his identity, civic position, the possibilities and limits of nation- and state-building, the democratization of social life, the dialogue of cultures and civilizations, and the search for a "sophia" discourse of tolerance.

Legal interests of citizens in the property: the theoretical-legal dimension

The article is devoted to the theoretical and legal analysis of the category “legitimate interest”, the formation of its definition, the separation on this basis of a common understanding of the legitimate interests of citizens in the field of property. Particular attention is given to the analysis of three key theories of explanation of the content of legitimate interest, which relate to the identification of legitimate interests with the pursuit of a person, legal resolution and subjective legal law. The article proposes to recognize legitimate interest as a specific legal possibility.

Relations in the network Internet how to object legal regulation

The article is devoted to the study of legal regulation of social relations in the Internet. The legislative regulation of the Internet as a special informational space and as a technological network is analyzed. Different approaches and classification peculiarities of legal regulation of the Internet as a technological network and as a special environment in which communicative relations are implemented are described. Determined the leading role of the state in regulating the Internet and establishing legislative provision, while the importance of self-regulatory relations.

Theoretical and methodological aspects of the subject of social security law

The  presence  in today’s  legal  discourse  of  a  large number  of  scientific  approaches to  the 
definition  of  the  subject  of  social  welfare  law  is  unjustified,  since  it  is  impossible  to  determine 
the  universal  criterion  for  distinguishing  this  branch  of  law  from  the  converging  branches  of 
law. In our opinion, the relations that constitute the subject of the right of social security in the 
main  number  of  their  material  nature,  as  well  as  not  material,  although  tangent  to  the 

Development of personality in the social communities: total individually

The article highlights traced and scientific development of the individual in the social communities to determine the total individual. Found out the problem of identity as individuals in the context of the category comparison "individuality" and "personality." Proved that the development of the individual, the disclosure of her identity - the development of general public, individually and through him increase wealth and diversity of the spiritual world, the development initiative and creativity.

Тhe definition of “civil society”: philosophical and legal paradigm

In the context of philosophical and legal knowledge in the article the definition of “civil society” is proposed and systematized known scientific approaches to understanding his appointed term. The basis of the article put research leading philosophers and authors' own attitudes and opinions on issues of research.