
Terms of Ukrainian language education at the stage of harmonization

In the article terms of Ukrainian language education are considered in the context of term harmonization. Ukrainian terms are described in the contrastive aspect against their English, Polish and Russian equivalents. Difficulties that accompany terminology harmonization are distinguished.

Justification of the approach to definitions formulating in explanatory dictionaries

Different ways of formulating definitions have been analyzed in order to find the way that will ensure the correctness of definitions in accordance with the purposes of a monolingual dictionary (to provide a set of unique features in order to distinguish the marked object from other similar objects; to give the most significant features of the object to meet the cognitive needs of a human; the perspicuity of a concept definition for its easy understanding by non-specialists in the given area of expertise).

Legal terminology of the Ukrainian language and the process of its creation

The article is devoted to the law terminology as one of the oldest layer of terminology vocabulary in Ukrainian language. The article analyses main features, summarizes information about the current state and perspectives of modern law terminology. It also differentiates the concepts of “term”, “terminology” and “terminology system”.

Особливості створення глосарія – термінологічного наповнення дисципліни у віртуальному навчальному середовищі Львівської політехніки

Розглянуто можливості термінологічного наповнення дисципліни у Віртуальному навчальному середовищі Львівської політехніки за допомогою глосарія, порядок його створення та особливості користування.

This article contains the facilities of terminological filling of discipline in Virtual learning system of Lvivska polytechnica by means of glossary, the way of its creating and the features of its using.

Polysemy in Ukrainian geodetik terminology

Aim. To analyze polysemy processes in Ukrainian geodetic terminology (UGT). Methodology. Existence of few interconnected meanings in the word, which appear as a result of the development of its first meaning, indicates about polysemy feature. Term, as simple word could be unequivocal and valued, but terminological ambiguity has its own features. By ambiguity we understand existence of several meanings of the word, which appeared as a result of the development of its first meaning, indicates about polysemy feature.