Global politics and global development: correlation of concepts

: 49-54
Received: November 02, 2016
Accepted: December 13, 2016
Lviv National Polytechnic University

The article considers Relationship between the concepts of global politics and global development. These concepts should be payed attention to due to their vague definitions. Lack of clear statements requires further research of globality. 
Both terms, being generated by globalization, reflect the global reality. Global politics is emphasized to be a part of a global development. Therefore, both concepts have been reflecting the real-time dynamics of global society over the past 500 years. Those phenomena, having derived from a procedural nature, are  constantly evolving  under the  circumstances of complex integrity,  triggered by globalization.  Their evolution  is embodied in the complexity of their structure (hierarchy). Herewith,  global policy is  defined as  a  short-term  (up to  30 years)  nonlinear  (cyclic and  swinging)  phenomenon which reflects the potential for changes; while global development is a linear process, aimed at long-term (with duration of more than  30  years)  research of quantitative  and qualitative  changes in global  society. Both phenomena  are exposed  to global “challenges” and give “feedbacks” on them. 
Global policy ambiguously  influences global  sustainable development.  Thus,  the struggle  for global  power significantly harms global development  by withdrawing  required resources.  Implementation of  global policies  guides human development into the right direction. The formation of the global polity  (political system)  is required  to  support global sustainable development in the future, as well as to ensure its administrative and legal frameworks. This, in its turn, depends on the cultural and psychological aspects of global development and contributes  to a  common political culture, consciousness, and psychology of mankind. 
Driving determinants for either global politics or global development are demographic,  economic and,  actually political social factors. 

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