
Role, Problems, and Methods of Software Security Testing Automation

In the modern world, where information security becomes a key element of any organization's operations, software security testing automation is more important than ever. The success of an application directly depends on its stability, reliability, and security, which makes the proper implementation of control mechanisms critical. The increase in cyber threats and the growing complexity of software systems make this topic even more relevant.

Forced Migration in the Sphere of International Law

Abstract. The article deals with forced migration in the field of international law. The object of the study is social relations that are formed in the process of legal support of forced migration, legal regulation of the status of refugees and asylum seekers. The subject of the study are the norms of international treaties and conventions of the United Nations, norms of primary and secondary law of the European Union, which regulate the status of forced migrants, internally displaced persons, displaced persons, refugees and asylum seekers.

Professional Legal Assistance when Resolving Cases in Administrative Courts: Features of Provision and Development Prospects

Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of providing professional legal assistance in resolving cases in administrative courts and the prospects for its development. It is noted that today, effective legal protection is difficult to imagine without professional legal assistance. Professional legal assistance includes various aspects and can be implemented through various forms, such as: consultations, explanations, drafting of various documents, including lawsuits, appeals, complaints, as well as representation, in particular before courts and other state bodies.

Extreme Necessity: Physical and Psychological Coercion

Extreme necessity is defined as a situation in which a person is forced to violate the law in order to avoid greater harm that threatens his or her life, health or other legitimate interests. An important aspect is the proportionality of the choice: the damage caused must be less than the damage that could have been avoided. Infliction of harm in a state of passion in the course of necessary defense by citizens under the age of 18 is not criminally punishable.

Identification of a lawyer with a client as a violation of the rights and guarantees of lawyer activity

The article is devoted to highlighting one of the actual problems of identifying a lawyer with a client. The European direction of the development of Ukraine as a legal state actualizes the problems of guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of the participants in the judicial process, as well as their effective protection against socially dangerous encroachments. A bar exists to provide professional legal assistance in Ukraine.

Legal and regulatory framework of labor rights protection of the citizens of Ukraine: prohibition of mobbing

Problem setting. In the conditions of constant industrialization, economic fluctuations, continuous uncertainty during the war, the labour rights of the employee are left aside, since the employer often neglects the labour force and forgets about the humane and valuable attitude towards the employee in search of the financial success of his/her company. The psychological state of an employee remains a particularly sensitive area as it is influenced by possible constant harassment or bullying by the employer or colleagues.

Protection of environmental rights: theoretical and practiological nature

The article is devoted to the analysis from the point of view of theoretical jurisprudence and practical aspect of protection of ecological rights in the modern globalized society. It is emphasized that the environment is the common property of mankind, it is important to find progressive and multifaceted solutions to protect and enrich it. These decisions are comprehensive and include legal, institutional and organizational and managerial measures.

Analysis of personal data protection methods according to ukrainian legislation and the GDPR

The problem of modern technologies rapid development is shown and characterized, which makes the issues of Internet users personal data protection very urgent. The current state of personal data protection in accordance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is analyzed. It is also determined which data belong to personal data and why they are subject to protection.

Economic and legal principles of protection of property rights in the areas of conducting united forces operation

The article is devoted to the economic and legal principles of protection of property
rights in areas of operation of the united forces in Ukraine. Particular attention is focused
on modern economic and legal challenges and threats, factors of anthropogenic influence
on the sphere of property and ways of their overcoming. The article clarifies the problems
of implementation of economic and legal measures to guarantee the citizens of Ukraine the
right to own, use and dispose of property, factors of creating an effective economic and

Using CAPTCHA technology: pros and cons. Ways to secure from spam-bots attacks.

This paper is devoted to CAPTCHA technology. Algorithms of creation and work of captcha are described. The scheme of how captcha works is also included. The means of encoding and ‘complication’ of decoded text are described. The main ways of automatic captcha’s recognition are described. Also, it is given in examples options of CAPTCHA’s tests. The programing means that do not require user’s actions are considered. By the way, pros and cons of testing captcha are analyzed. In addition, the main problems that may occur during developing captcha are analyzed.