засіб вимірювання

Комп’ютерний засіб імітансного контролю об’єктів кваліметрії

Розглянуто варіант побудови комп’ютерного вимірювального засобу для конт- ролю об’єктів, що характеризуються багатьма параметрами.

The variant of construction of computer measuring mean has been is considered. The very means controls the objects that are characterized by lots of parameters.

Formation and classification of quality indices for qualimetric evaluation of production of vegetable growing

Vegetables has a number of specific properties that aremanifested in consumption, storage and processing of vegetables. The study is the formation and systematization of quality vegetable products to develop common principles for the evaluation and determination of complex quality indicator taking into account the needs of different profiles of consumers.