
Crimes against the basics of national security in the context of recent amendments and changes

Characterization of crimes against the foundations of national security in the context of the latest changes and additions was carried out. It is established that criminal law is not stable, as it is based on changing and fluid historical conditions, which are determined by political, social and economic forces. In view of the current events caused by the started war against our state, a number of changes and additions were made to Chapter 1 "Crimes against the foundations of national security" of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. 

Crimes in the field of intellectual property and their definitions

The violations in the field of intellectual property are considered. Characterized the
main signs of the circulation of intellectual property. Measures to detect offenses in the field of
intellectual property are determined. The order of the controlled delivery and controlled
purchase of counterfeit goods is outlined.

Організація планування розслідування злочинів, що вчиняються під час публічних закупівель у сфері охорони здоров’я

Розглянуто поняття та сутність планування розслідування злочинів, що
вчиняються під час публічних закупівель у сфері охорони здоров’я. Окреслено
основні елементи планування, які відображаються на основі слідчої версії.
Визначено слідчі (розшукові) дії, які необхідно планувати на початковому етапі
розслідування злочинів, що вчиняються під час публічних закупівель у сфері
охорони здоров’я.

Сriminalistics description of crimes that is accomplished during public purchases in the field of health protection

A concept and maintenance of criminalistics description of crimes are considered during realization of public purchases in the field of health protection. The separate methods of committing crime are outlined at the purchase of remedies by the representatives of health protection. The separate crime actions of public servants are certain during the public purchases of remedies, medical commodities and implementation of works and services in the field of health protection.