звільнення від кримінальної відповідальності

Exemption from Criminal Liability under Criminal Procedural Law

This research article discusses problem of crime in contemporary Ukrainian society and ways to
address it through the application of alternative responses to criminal offenses, particularly exemption
from criminal liability, are considered. The mechanisms and practical aspects of applying this institution
in Ukrainian criminal procedural law are analyzed. This article pays special attention to the role of
various subjects of the criminal process, such as the court, the prosecutor, the victim and the suspect, in

On the issue of exemption from criminal responsibility in connection with reconciliation of the offender with the victim

The article outlines that the norms of the current Criminal Code of Ukraine provide options for the possible post-criminal behavior of a person who has committed a criminal offense, which represent a legally significant action or inaction, or their combination, and which may subsequently affect the order and features of bringing the offender to criminal liability.

Foreign experience in releasing minors from criminal liability and punishment with the use of coercive measures of an educational nature

Nowadays, juvenile delinquency is a very pressing issue for many countries around the world and particularly, a rather big problem for Ukrainian society on the territory of our state. The international community is extremely concerned about this issue and takes numerous measures and approves new legal acts to solve this problem. Therefore, Ukraine as a state that is on the path of integration into modern European society and the international community, it is essential to learn from more developed and humane neighbors.