Foreign experience in releasing minors from criminal liability and punishment with the use of coercive measures of an educational nature

: 279-284

Tomashivskyi P., Kushpit V. "Foreign experience in releasing minors from criminal liability and punishment with the use of coercive measures of an educational nature"

student Educational and Scientific Institute of Law, psychology and innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Nowadays, juvenile delinquency is a very pressing issue for many countries around the world and particularly, a rather big problem for Ukrainian society on the territory of our state. The international community is extremely concerned about this issue and takes numerous measures and approves new legal acts to solve this problem. Therefore, Ukraine as a state that is on the path of integration into modern European society and the international community, it is essential to learn from more developed and humane neighbors. The goal of every civilized European country is to create the most effective legislation, which would prevent juvenile delinquency and create new conditions for re-education of minors, who have already committed offenses. Common features and peculiarities of legal regulation and implementation of educational activities of the following countries: Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Lithuania,UK and others, were analysed in this article.

A huge number of countries in the provisions of their criminal law provide for the individualization and differentiation of criminal liability of minors, depending on the age, specific personality of the offender and the severity of the crime committed by the adolescent.

In order to maximally protect the still unformed personality of a juvenile offender from criminal influence by persons serving sentences in prisons, alternative methods of punishment are applied to such adolescents, namely, coercive measures of an educational nature are applied.

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