Problems of human behavior in the noosphere

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2015; 813(5): 152–161


Stepan Slyvka

This article explores anthropological and legal problems of philosophy of man. It is proved that part of the biosphere increasingly generates conventional sphere of human activity – the noosphere. As a result, ontologically grounded human intellectual activity manifested proactive transition of the biosphere into the noosphere. The author considers the global
implications of this transition, since a person can emit a portion of evil, which exceeds the permissible nature rules. Therefore, the task of problems studied philosophy of law in the 153 following terms: the intelligible sensybelnomu, existential and fluktatsiynomu. We prove that the contents of these measurements is the subject of attention philosophy of law.

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