The information war as a modern globalization phenomenon

: 56-61

Zharovska I., Ortinska N.
"The information war as a modern globalization phenomenon"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education, D.Sc. (Law), Associate Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article deals with the manifestation of socio-legal nature in such a recent globalization
phenomenon as the information war. It has been proven that manipulating information through
psychological influence on an opponent has historically been a means of warfare. It is pointed out that
the peculiarity of the information war is not only that the influence is exercised through the use of the
latest means, but also that it is an uncontrolled resource that is very weakly regulated, and therefore
actively uses false, distorted information as a means of manipulation of consciousness. Today’s
globalized society is transforming the role of the state, state power, and state defense systems in military
conflict. The state under the rules of international law has sovereignty, which means that the state is the
final arbiter, the organizer of social relations within its geographical boundary. Today, states are losing
the main features of statehood in the form of geographical borders and blurring the concept of

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