Features of the activities of public organizations in the context of the formation of legal ideology in transitive societies

Rostyslav Zhuravskyi "Features of the activities of public organizations in the context of the formation of legal ideology in transitive societies" https://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-10-number-137-...

Іnstitute law, psychology and innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article defines the peculiarities of the activities of public organizations in the context of the formation of legal ideology in transitive societies. It is noted that as a social phenomenon, legal ideology needs to be considered in at least two aspects: ontological and epistemological. In the ontological aspect, ideology appears as one of the basic socio-legal institutions, and in the epistemological aspect, the study of ideology involves the study of ideological and legal components of Ukrainian society.

It was found that legal ideology is a structured and embodied at the theoretical and practical level, a scientifically based system of society's ideas about legal validity, which, thanks to the formation of legal values and goals, can influence people's legal awareness and the development of social and state life.

It is concluded that the transition to the purposeful formation of democratic ideology and legal awareness, and accordingly to the legal and democratic state, depends on many factors. One of them, in our opinion, is the formation of a national idea. Among other factors, it should be noted the stabilization of the political and economic situation in the country, the increase in the level of legal education of the population, which is repeatedly updated by legal scholars.

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