Abstract. The relevance of the mentioned issues lies in the analysis of the approaches to the interpretation of legal understanding as a key category of jurisprudence available in the legal doctrine. The nature of professional legal understanding as its separate level (type) is revealed. The peculiarities of the professional legal understanding of practicing lawyers in various legal families of today are outlined. It was determined that the dynamics of changes in the life of modern society, its increasing individualization and globalization are reflected in the radical transformation of legal reality, affect the entire legal toolkit and professional training of lawyers. In the context of such changes, the issue of professional legal understanding as a praxeological basis of practical legal activity acquires a new vision.
The problem of professional legal understanding is extremely important and complex, as it is not reduced to simple knowledge of national and international law and the use of this knowledge in the process of solving specific legal cases. Legal activity requires a combination of abstract and concrete, highlighting the legal aspect of any problem under consideration, generalization and classification of various legally significant phenomena, events and facts. It was concluded that the semantic characteristics of law and the profession of a lawyer are always connected with the possibilities of preventing the occurrence of conflict situations, and in the event of conflicts, achieving their optimal resolution. Just as the purpose of law from its inception in ancient society to the present day is to ensure the integrity of human existence from the clan or tribe in ancient society to the family and the state in modern life. If the scientific-theoretical understanding of law involves the achievement of systematization, orderliness, and certainty of legal norms, then professional understanding of law focuses on its individualized forms, which involve the active, creative influence of legal practitioners, etc.
The formation, functioning and development of professional legal understanding are significantly influenced not only, or even sometimes not so rational, as irrational moments (aspects) inherent in the individual creativity of subjects of practical legal activity. Within the understanding of the essence of law is the primary source of the problem of legal science as a whole. Throughout the centuries-old history of the genesis of law, scientific interest in it does not fade away, but, on the contrary, is constantly growing.
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