Worldview basis of scientific understanding of the phenomenon of law in accordance with specific time limits

: 38-47

Harasymiv T. "Worldview basis of scientific understanding of the phenomenon of law in accordance with specific time limits"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article thoroughly and comprehensively explores the essence, historical and legal aspects of formation, evolution, content and basic elements of the principles of law based on the study of legal theory and legal practice, reveals the importance of law for the formation of legal worldview and implementation of rule-making and rule-making practice. It is noted that in jurisprudence there is a constant search for understanding the concept of law, its essence and nature, as well as its main characteristics - features and properties that reveal the mission of law as an important social and regulatory force of society. It has been found that law is a dynamic and complex phenomenon due to the no less complex nature of social development. The idea of a multifaceted, multifaceted approach to the understanding of law is one of the defining trends in modern jurisprudence. The history of the formation of ideas about law by the author is divided into three periods: 1) the dominance of the philosophical understanding of the formation of law (XI - IX centuries BC - late eighteenth century AD); 2) the dominance of historical and sociological understanding of law (early nineteenth century - early twentieth century); 3) the dominance of scientific legal understanding of law as a scientific phenomenon (middle of the twentieth century - continues to this day), which has a complex multifaceted nature and can be studied using a variety of methodological approaches and methods of scientific knowledge of legal science.

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