Legal regulation of settlement operations in banking spheres of Ukraine

Maksym ZHUKOVSKYI  "Legal regulation of settlement operations in banking spheres of Ukraine".

Kyiv University of Intellectual Property and Law

 Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of legal regulation of settlement operations in the banking sphere of Ukraine. The current state of the economy and its financial components, at a time when our state is under an aggressive military attack by the Russian Federation and the introduction of martial law in Ukraine in connection with this, necessitates a meticulous attitude to certain industries and spheres of society's life. In this context, the banking sphere and the corresponding settlement services provided by banks require special attention from the authorities, in particular through proper legal regulation, and in certain cases, its improvement.

Instead, as an extremely dynamic branch of financial activity, the banking sphere requires constant scientific analysis and the search for optimal and effective directions of activity in this area.

Attention was drawn to the fact that an appropriate legislative framework has been created in Ukraine, which allows ensuring the proper functioning of the banking system. At the same time, it was emphasized that in recent years the legislative framework in this area has undergone significant renewal and improvement. First of all, the formation of legislation in the banking sphere is aimed at solving the problems arising in this area and related to the instability of the state's economy caused by the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as well as, what is quite important, the adaptation of the legislation of our state to the legislation of the EU. At the same time, an important aspect in the context of improving the activity of banks, as a sphere that plays a key role in the development of the state's economy, is the use of modern information technologies that allow the banking system of Ukraine to integrate into the global financial space and improve the quality of settlement operations. However, in this aspect, there is a growing need to take into account security issues, which are also related to the improvement of the legal framework covering this issue.

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