International Legal Standards for the Legal Regulation of Intellectual Property: Foreign Experience

: 137-143

Citation APA: Malets M. (2024) International Legal Standards for the Legal Regulation of Intellectual Property: Foreign Experience. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: “Legal Sciences”. Vol. 11, № 3 (43), С. 137-143. DOI:

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

Before the twentieth century, obtaining intellectual property protection in different
countries was considered a difficult task since the legislative regulations of this process were
quite different. That is why more and more states wanted to systematise and develop a unified
approach to the legal regulation of intellectual property at the international level.
The emergence of international legislation on intellectual property is explained by the
fact that the rights to the results of intellectual activity have the quality of a ‘territorial
limitation’, i.e. in the absence of international treaties, they are recognised and protected only in
the territory of the state where they originally appeared. 
The international system of legal regulation of social relations related to the creation and
use of intellectual property results is based on the desire to overcome this contradiction. It
interacts with national systems of intellectual property protection, ensuring the rights of
creators outside their countries.
The article emphasises that, given the intensification of international economic and
cultural relations, the unification of intellectual property legislation is essential. The adoption of
international treaties solves this problem only partially. The analysis shows that the
development of international legal instruments does not contribute to, and sometimes even
hinders, the development of intellectual property law since it is based on the prevailing
paradigm, according to which ensuring a high level of legal protection of intellectual rights is the
main criterion for assessing legislation.
The author examines the current state of social relations in intellectual property law, the
dynamics of international legal regulation, and the peculiarities of legislative adaptation to the
current priorities of developed countries in this area.

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