It was found that the moral and ethical norms in jurisprudence were reflected in the relevant Codes, Instructions, Rules of Conduct, etc., which are aimed at ensuring the principle of people centeredness and contribute to the formation and development of a morally mature specialist with high value orientations in the field of professional duties and interpersonal communication Compliance with moral and ethical standards in jurisprudence is a guarantee of maintaining stable professional relationships in the legal team and contributes to maintaining a positive image of the legal profession.
It was emphasized that professional activity implemented in the “person-to-person” format requires not only proper expertise, but also perfect standards of moral and ethical interaction to prevent violation of human rights and freedoms and personal values. Jurisprudence is one of the areas where the official-business interaction between representatives of this profession and citizens is tangential to a person’s private life and personal boundaries. That is why it is important to regulate the ethical aspect of such interaction for full cooperation and the most positive resolution of problematic issues.
It is noted that ethical codes define a system of value orientations of representatives of a certain professional direction, in particular, persons who perform specific job duties and are empowered to cooperate with their colleagues or subordinates, as well as all physical and legal entities with whom they cooperate.
Attention is focused on the fact that the proper level of moral and ethical culture of a lawyer contributes to the prevention and avoidance of his professional deformation, because a high level of professionalism, unfortunately, is not an obstacle to the development of professional deformation. A developed moral and ethical culture and the desire for personal development do not allow signs of antivalue behavior of a person to manifest.
When forming and implementing moral and ethical norms in Ukrainian jurisprudence, the experience and practice of the world legal community is taken into account. Recognition and observance of international standards enables the active cooperation of relevant competent authorities with international organizations to ensure law and order and prevent violations of human rights.
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