moral norms

Moral and Ethical Aspects of Police Activity

Abstract. It was found that the observance of moral and ethical norms and standards in police activity play a significant role in the formation of the professional culture of the police officer, the development of the internal imperative of duty and full cooperation with citizens based on mutual trust. Compliance with ethical norms and standards of behavior enables police officers to work not only according to the requirements of the letter of the law, but also the spirit of the law.

Key Aspects of Organic Laws in the Context of Meta-Anthropology of Society

Abstract. Modern global changes require a rethinking of the basic laws of society's functioning in conditions of uncertainty and dynamic social processes. Organic laws, which determine the internal stability and ability of society to adapt, are becoming the object of increased interest among researchers of philosophical and legal science. The study of these laws in the context of meta-anthropology allows us to reveal deeper relationships between social evolution and ontological aspects of human existence, which determines the relevance of the research. 

Moral and Ethical Standards in Jurisprudence

It was found that the moral and ethical norms in jurisprudence were reflected in the relevant Codes, Instructions, Rules of Conduct, etc., which are aimed at ensuring the principle of people centeredness and contribute to the formation and development of a morally mature specialist with high value orientations in the field of professional duties and interpersonal communication Compliance with moral and ethical standards in jurisprudence is a guarantee of maintaining stable professional relationships in the legal team and contributes to maintaining a positive image of the legal profession.

Law enforcement activities and martial status:moral and legal features

It has found that during the war it is important to find a moral and legal balance of the development and existence of society, which will help to "keep" society in a state of lawful behavior not because of fear of punishment, but on the basis of understanding one's own moral responsibility not only before the law, but also before the next generations.