Abstract. The article analyses and assesses the current state of Ukraine's implementation of the EU acquis under the Association Agreement in the sector ‘Trade and Trade-related Matters’ on free movement of goods.
The legislative and institutional framework for free movement of goods, albeit partially, already exists, in particular for the sectors that the ACAA may cover, thanks to the DCFTA commitments. Currently, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is considering several draft laws on state market surveillance and standardisation to enable Ukraine to become a full member of the EU customs union in the near future. It is noted that the rapid elimination of systemic problems and further adoption of horizontal and vertical legislation of Ukraine harmonised with the EU law on free movement of goods will allow to move the issue of signing the Agreement on Joint Recognition of Certificates of Conformity for Industrial Products by Ukraine and the European Union (ACAA) into the practical plane.
Monitoring of the fulfilment of obligations in this area made it possible to conclude that the level of preparation for bringing domestic trade legislation in key sectors in line with the European acquis communautaireis average . The articleidentifies the measures used to formulate and implement the policy of free movement of goods to ensure the fulfilment of Ukraine's obligations under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.
It is concluded that our country demonstrates a moderate level of preparation in the field of free movement of goods, which, on the basis of common rules and procedures, guarantees the possibility of free trade in goods to the Common Market member states in the European Union. At the same time, Ukraine still needs to analyse its legislation, especially in terms of its practical application in this area, and do its homework, in particular, on technical regulations, standards, conformity assessment, accreditation, metrology and market surveillance.
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5.Pro vykonannia Uhody pro asotsiatsiiu mizh Ukrainoiu, z odniiei storony, ta Yevropeiskym Soiuzom, Yevropeiskym spivtovarystvom z atomnoi enerhii i yikhnimy derzhavamy-chlenamy, z inshoi storony. [On the Implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, on the other hand ] No 1106. (2017). Baza danykh «Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy» / VR Ukrainy. Retrieved from: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1106-2017-п#Text. (Accessed: 12.09.2024) [In Ukrainian].
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7.Zvit za rezultatamy provedennia pervynnoi otsinky stanu implementatsii aktiv prava Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu [Report on the results of the initial assessment of the state of implementation of the EU legal acts] (acquis YeS). 2023. 307 p. Retrieved from: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/1/55-GOEEI/zvit_UA.pdf. (Accessed: 18.09.2024) [In Ukrainian].
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9.Uriad spilno z YeS pratsiuie nad Uhodoiu z ACAA v pershykh priorytetnykh sektorakh promyslovosti. [The Government is working together with the EU on the ACAA Agreement in the first priority industry sectors] Uriadovyi portal. Yedynyi veb-portal orhaniv vykonavchoi vlady Ukrainy. Retrieved from: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/news/uriad-spilno-z-ies-pratsiuie-nad-uhodoiu-z-acaa-v-pershykh-priorytetnykh-sektorakh-promyslovosti. (Accessed: 18.09.2024) [In Ukrainian].
10. Pro vnesennia zmin do Tekhnichnoho rehlamentu bezpeky mashyn: [On Amendments to the Technical Regulations for the Safety of Machines] : Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 19 serpnia 2023 r. No 880. Baza danykh «Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy» / VR Ukrainy. Retrieved from: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/880-2023-%25D0%25BF#n2. (Accessed: 18.09.2024) [In Ukrainian].
11. Na shliakhu do promyslovoho bezvizu: uriad pryviv u vidpovidnist normam YeS tekhnichnyi rehlament bezpeky mashyn. [On the way to industrial visa-free regime: the government has brought the technical regulations on machine safety in line with EU standards.] Uriadovyi portal. Yedynyi veb-portal orhaniv vykonavchoi vladyUkrainy. Retrieved from: https://export.gov.ua/news/4881kmu_pogodiv_tekhnichnii_reglament_bezpeki_ mashin_z_normami_ies (Accessed: 22.09.2024) [In Ukrainian].
12. Vidbuvsia Mizhnarodnyi forum "Promyslovyi bezviz" (ASAA) v systemi vidnovlennia ta rozvytku ekonomiky Ukrainy". [The International Forum “Industrial Visa Waiver (ASAA) in the System of Economic Recovery and Development of Ukraine” was held] Uriadovyi portal. Yedynyi veb-portal orhaniv vykonavchoi vlady Ukrainy. Retrieved from: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/news/vidbuvsia-mizhnarodnyi-forum-promyslovyi-bezviz-asaa-v-systemi-vidnovlennia-ta-rozvytku-ekonomiky-ukrainy. (Accessed: 22.09.2024) [In Ukrainian].
13. Ukraina nabula povnopravnoho chlenstva u mizhnarodnii orhanizatsii zakonodavchoi metrolohii. [Ukraine became a full member of the international organization of legal metrology]. Veb-sait komandy uriadovoho ofisu koordynatsii yevropeiskoi ta yevroatlantychnoi intehratsii. Retrieved from: https://eu-ua.kmu.gov.ua/en/news/ukrayina-nabula-povnopravnogo-chlenstva-u-mizhnarodnij-organizatsiyi-zakonodavchoyi-metrologiyi//. (Accessed: 22.09.2024) [In Ukrainian].