Еuropean court of human rights as an international legal guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine

: 291 - 296

I. Mahnovskyi «European court of human rights as an international legal guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine» http://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-1-number-861-13...

Ivano-Frankivsk Law Institute National University “Odessa Law Academy”

The article highlights the legal aspect of the European Court of Human Rights in the perspective of international legal guarantees of protection of rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine. It is found legal grounds of spreading jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights in Ukraine and the procedure for the fulfillment of its decisions. Outlined the place and role of the European Court of Human Rights in the constitutional-legal mechanisms for protection of rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine. Identified issues of enforcement and application of the European Court of Human Rights in Ukraine. Characterized conditions of complaints to the European Court of Human Rights. Grounded suggestions for improving the mechanism for enforcement and application of the European Court of Human Rights in Ukraine, which is an essential factor in modern constitutional-legal Ukrainian state policy in the sphere of rights and freedoms of its citizens. Due to the importance and significance enforcement and application of the European Court of Human Rights appears necessary to consolidate the constitutional level relevant legal norms binding on its solutions for domestic law Ukraine. Congregation that international-law guarantees encourage to implementation of the necessary legal status of citizens of Ukraine transition from provided in the Constitution and laws of the State the possibility to reality. It notes that the legal guarantees of rights and freedoms of person and citizen, as intra-law and international law are in tight close connection between themselves, are interdependent, interrelated and complementary to each other and act as a key component of the Remedies Ukraine and freedoms.

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