Оn the issue of employer compliance with legislative requirements in the employment of nationals

: 367 - 373

U. Bek «On the issue of employer compliance with legislative requirements
in the employment of nationals» http://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-1-number-861-13...

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

On the basis of current legislation of Ukraine the main demands to the employer when hiring employees. Specifically, the formalization of labor relations; justification of the employment; creating certain laws of jobs for the privileged categories of citizens. Special attention is devoted to the analysis of court practice in disputes concerning the finding of staying in employment. Revealed shortcomings of legal rules to protect citizens from unreasonable refusal of hiring and the ways to address them.The expediency of the law on the timing of consideration of applications of citizens of hiring and writing for the refusal of the employment, the contents of which are legally defined.Formulated content of the obligation on the employer quoting jobs, which is not only to create a certain number of them, but of labor relations with the respective categories of citizens.

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