
Features of Choosing Forms of Professional Development for Employees of the Foreign Economic Department

The professional development of employees is an integral part of the organization's personnel man- agement, since the effectiveness and efficiency of its activities significantly depend on the level of profes- sional training of personnel in the conditions of the modern economy. Employees increasingly have to combine a wide variety of functions in their work, perform many different professional tasks, process large amounts of information, etc.

Features of the interaction of subjects of the codification of labor legislation in Ukraine

The article outlines the peculiarities of the development of the interaction between the subjects of the codification of national labor legislation. It is noted that the level of effective implementation of rights by employees and employers also determines the nature of the interaction between the subjects of the codification of labor legislation, which arises in connection with the process of implementation of the constitutional right to work by citizens.

Legal and regulatory framework of labor rights protection of the citizens of Ukraine: prohibition of mobbing

Problem setting. In the conditions of constant industrialization, economic fluctuations, continuous uncertainty during the war, the labour rights of the employee are left aside, since the employer often neglects the labour force and forgets about the humane and valuable attitude towards the employee in search of the financial success of his/her company. The psychological state of an employee remains a particularly sensitive area as it is influenced by possible constant harassment or bullying by the employer or colleagues.

Legislation on the improvement of relevant regulatory terminology

The article analyzes the optimization of the legislative technique of the codification of the labor legislation of Ukraine with regard to the improvement of the relevant regulatory terminology. It was noted that the use of new methods and tools in the creation of legal norms within labor law is aimed at establishing a balance between the unity and differentiation of labor law, harmony between the use of centralized and local methods of legal regulation of labor.

International legal standards regarding the regulation of domestic labor regulations

The article analyzes the international legal standards regarding the regulation of internal labor regulations. It is noted that in the legal doctrine of international law there is a significant number of normative acts that define international legal standards for the regulation of internal labor regulations, however, the mechanism for ensuring them is imperfect, it is not fully defined by the state and does not correspond to national legislation.

Employee loyalty: essence and measurement indicator

The article presents the results of a study on the importance of increasing the level of employee loyalty to the company and its evaluation. The influence of loyal employees on the development of the organization is briefly presented, in particular, it is emphasized that loyal employees who give positive feedback about their work in the organization, thereby ensure increasing labour productivity, improving the company’s image, expand the client base, improving financial results, etc.

Principles of developing a web application for monitoring employee skills

Summarizing the definition of the concept of "skills" from the reviewed literary sources, we determine that: skills are a combination of knowledge and skills that a person has acquired during his life. To improve skills, you need to choose certain tools (trainings, seminars, webinars, online courses, refresher courses, reading special literature, etc.). Personal qualities and attitudes of young people are important in choosing tools and achieving results. As part of this study, the principles of building a web application for monitoring the skills of employees were designed and developed.


Managing the effectiveness of the organization is one of the main functions of the professional activities of the newest Ukrainian managers. Managing the effectiveness of the organization is a continuous process that logically covers the actions and procedures of the linear manager in a single chain according to the logic of meaningful activity: from the formulation of goals to control the achieved results. The main consequence of the evolution of performance management over the last decade is to focus not only on goals but also on means.

Features of installation of the presence of labor relations in the legal order

On the basis of systematic analysis of general theoretical and branch studies, it is proposed to consider the legal fact of the existence of labor relations as an act expressed in the form of an employment contract between an employee and the employer or a court decision which has become legally binding, which (action) causes legal consequences within the framework of labor relations, relations with compulsory state social insurance and relations with employee social security.

Оn the issue of employer compliance with legislative requirements in the employment of nationals

On the basis of current legislation of Ukraine the main demands to the employer when hiring employees. Specifically, the formalization of labor relations; justification of the employment; creating certain laws of jobs for the privileged categories of citizens. Special attention is devoted to the analysis of court practice in disputes concerning the finding of staying in employment.