
Anthropological origin and motives of human dignity

Anthropological substantiation of human dignity is a topical issue. Man is a creation of God, endowed with positive and negative qualities, but which of them he prefers to decide for himself. The concept of human dignity and its place in human life is clarified. Emphasis is placed on anthropology as a process of creating a person and endowing him with the qualities that God himself has, because man was created in the image of God and must imitate all the positive qualities that are given to him. Emphasis is placed on the qualities that God has given to man.

Сoncept of personality: comparative analysis philosophical and legal schools

This article provides a comparative analysis of the concept of individual fundamental philosophical and legal schools. The founder of modern personalism of E. Mounier believed that the “I” man is the “primary reality”, and it is, in his opinion, there is a premise and reality of historical works. Personality – center reorientation objective universumu who reached the level of personal existence, is the subject of creating their own human reality.

Anthropology phenomenon of personality

Analyzes the philosophical principles of Emmanuel Mounier personalist concept and identifies its impact on the philosophical currents of the twentieth century. Studied existential philosophical principles and major categories that uses existentialism in the interpretation of the rights and specificity of its existence. Conceptual phenomenology content through the analysis of the concept of "I", highlights the main dimensions of anthropological philosophy in the context filosofemy Max Scheler.

Philosophical and legal category of “personality”: some approaches definitive

The article of the positions of the various schools of philosophy examines the philosophical and legal category of "personality", the main approaches to the definitive abovementioned issues and highlights their main content. The author deals with defining in detail three aspects of human existence: matter, social cohesion and human personality and proved that the views of most philosophers on this issue coincide.

Legal knowledge: anthropological discourse

The article analyzes the legal knowledge as a legal category that reflects the process, while the result of a focused knowledge of law. We consider the epistemological aspect of thinking that opens in a conscious effort to create the entity and identify their attitude to the law in a particular behavior and activity. DONE general theoretical analysis of the conceptual foundations of legal knowledge of the methodology, described the basic scientific methods the nature and features of this complex legal 

Concept human personality in the philosophical and law school

In the article the concept of human personality built on the basic ideas of the leading right-wing philosophical schools. We consider the notion of "personalism" and the characteristics of its importance in contemporary philosophy. Researched historical basis and development of ideas of personalism and personalistic analyzes the major trends taking into account the characteristics of their basic philosophical concepts of representatives. The methods and the most important categories which uses existentialism in the interpretation of the rights and specificity of its existence.

Anthropological perspective in the philosophical and legal tradition

The article examines the anthropological perspective in the light of philosophical and legal knowledge and practical transformation of legal reality. Revealed methodological principles and main sources of formation of anthropological principle in the philosophy of law, elucidated the historical development of philosophical and legal views on the anthropological principle as part of the ideological and methodological foundations of philosophy of law. The essence of the anthropological principle in legal philosophy by analyzing the specific subject of philosophical and legal knowledge.

Communicative goal in the area of human anthropological section

The article is devoted to little known difficult controversial issues in the philosophy of
law: possibility/impossibility of forming human communication, signs of their presence and
development processes and formation; modern views on the anthropological metamorphosis
through modifications in the law; metaantropolohichnoho appearance actualised knowledge of
law within human existence and its existential dimensions in terms of communication