Territorial and administrative changes in lviv povit in 20th – the beginning of the 30th of the ХХ century: connecting country gminas to “The great Lviv” and opponents’ of project attitude to this

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N. Zakharchyn «Territorial and administrative changes in Lvivpovit in 20th – the beginning of the 30th of the xx century : connecting country gminas to «The Great Lviv» and opponents’ of project attitude to this»

Department of History of Ukraine Political Science and Law National Forestry University of Ukraine (NLTU)

In the article one of the phases of territorial and administrative changes in Lviv povit in the interwar (1918–1939) period is analysed. The suburban villages (gminas) were planned to connect with Lviv because of the socially-economical, political and legal expedience. There were many discussions about the project of “The Great Lviv” creation between opponents and supporters of it. There are analyzed both sides arguments about economical, administrative and other aspects of the problem.

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