
Reformation of canon law during the european middle ages (XI-XIII centuries): historical and legal analysis

The article highlights the historical and legal aspects of the formation and reformation of church and canon law in Europe in the 11th-13th centuries. It is emphasized that medieval church and canon law remains not only the main source of religious law, but also a key element of modern secular legal systems, and the conceptual ideas and conclusions of medieval canonists remain embodied in the tradition of common law in the English-speaking world and the legal heritage of the countries of continental Europe.

Police before and during the Russian -Ukrainian war of 2022

The article is devoted to the theoretical and legal characteristics of the essence of the police in the period of its reform and highlighting of certain positions of its official duties performance in the Russian-Ukrainian invasive war. The legal analysis of the main conditions and reasons is carried out according to which the qualitative reorganization of the organizational and legal essence of the police has been slowed down.

Judicial reform in Ukraine: european integration approaches

The article is devoted to the study of the need to reform the judiciary in Ukraine as an opportunity for further European integration of the state.

An analysis of the stages of reform that took place from 1991 to 2015 to date and highlights their positive and negative consequences.

To clearly understand the research topic, a distinction was made between the concepts of "reform", "reform", "judiciary", "judiciary", "judiciary" and "judicial system", using the rules of current legislation and different views of scholars.

Modern tendencies and challenges concerning corporate culture forming under conditions of public administration reforming

The main issues of formation and development of the corporate culture in the framework of the reforming of public administration system are considered. On the basis of the study and analysis of the experiences of other European countries, modern tendencies in public administration science and practice, the best national and international practices, the relevant proposals on further development of the corporate culture are prepared.

Mechanism of public participation in reforming modern law enforcement bodies

The role of civic organizations, including experts from the public sector and the Reanimation Package of Reforms in drafting bills aimed at reforming the law enforcement system of Ukraine is cleared up. The essence of main proposals for solving problems in rebuilding the structure of law enforcement agencies, their tasks and directions of activity to ensure domestic tranquility, protect human and citizens’ rights and freedoms, is revealed.

The influence of the institution of the presidency on the effectiveness of public authorities’ activities

This article is devoted to the influence of the institution of the presidency on the formation of Ukrainian statehood. The article determines the status and role of the President during the existence of independent Ukraine and analyzes historical aspects of the formation of the institution of the presidency.

Theoretical foundations of organizational and legal mechanisms of public management in Ukraine

The article analyzes theoretical bases of the research of organizational and legal mechanisms of public management in Ukraine, shows the importance of proper theoretical study of their nature, components, interconnections and interdependence. There were investigated two approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “mechanisms of management”, which can be described as structural-organizational and structural-functional.

Public policy in the field of nursing: structural-functional aspect

Based on the structural-functional analysis of the healthcare public policy, the author proposes to distinguish its component — public policy in the field of nursing. The article outlines the essence and types of mechanisms for the implementation of public policy in the field of nursing at the regional level. The author suggests schematic reflection of the statistic-dynamic content of the process of nursing management at the regional level.

Influence of health care system on formation (stable conditions of ensuring) of national security of the state

The article analyzes the influence of the health care system on the creation of conditions for ensuring the national security of the state. Characterized its structural and functional purpose, in relation to the affirmation of the value of human life, which determines its ability as an imperative of national security of the state.

Decentralization of Power in European Countries: the Experience of Polish and French Reforms as a Conceptual Basis for the Organizational Structure of Ukraine's Governing Bodies

The reform of the state power, both at the level of local self-government and at the level of the state executive authorities, cannot be carried out without reviewing the basic legislative framework, Amendments to the current legislation and the development and adoption of completely new regulations, which will be the legislative basis for the quality implementation of the public administration reform.