Advocacy as a scientific-theoretic basis of advokatium self-government development

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Bochlylyak N. "Advocacy as a scientific-theoretic basis of advokatium self-government development"

Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University

In the context of the adaptation of national legislation to international law, the law
office acts as a pivotal indicator of the truthfulness of the practical implementation of
legislative initiatives. The emergence of a new term for determining the direction of scientific
research on the issues of the advocacy should be taken comfortably, since since then the
definitions of “advocatology” and “advocacy” are analyzed as equivalent, identical.
Discussion discussion of the terminology of advocatology both in scientific researches and the
legislator actualizes the urgency of constructive analysis of the entire informative base in
relation to the advocacy, its institutionalization, definition and consolidation at the level of
legislation of the conceptual apparatus. In general, according to our conviction, law-practice
as a theory should be based, at least, on three interrelated elements: theoretical concepts,
norms of legislation and practice of their application.

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