Legal certainty principle in the decisions of constitutional courts of Ukraine and other countries

: 26-31

Ognevuik G. Z. "Legal certainty principle in the decisions of constitutional courts of Ukraine and other countries"

As. Prof. of the Department of Intellectual Property Kyiv National University the name of Taras Shevchenko, Ph. D.

The article is devoted to the analyzis of the court's decision of Constitutional Court ofUkraine and some other constitutional courts decisionswhich refer to legal certainty. As the27result it is defined in which way the content of that principle is revealed in the constitutionaljurisdiction, the link between the legal certainty and the rule of law is clarified. It is stated thatdespite the absence of normative fixing of legal certainty in the Constitution of Ukraine thislegal principle is widely used, its meaning is revealed within the European tradition.

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