Rule of law in system principle оf the criminal process

: 231-235

Huzela M., Nesimko O.
"Rule of law in system principle оf the criminal process"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article is devoted to the problem of implementing the rule of law in the system of principles
of criminal proceedings. Based on the analysis of the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine and
scientific sources, the issues of the universality of the rule of law in the system of principles of criminal
proceedings through the extension of the action of this principle to the institutions of the criminal
process are investigated. It is concluded that in principle of supremacy of law the requirement of
procedural impartiality is formally associated with the rational and reasonable restrictions established
by law. Following the simultaneous observance of the requirements of the rule of law and the rule of
law, the basis of each procedural action should not only be the formal fulfillment of the legislative
requirement. This is a fundamentally new relationship between the requirements of procedural
legislation for the implementation by participants of procedural activities aimed at observing human
rights and freedoms, which ultimately ensures the proper legal procedure.

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