Constitutional control of the US supreme court: types of jurisdiction

: 34-40

Dobosh Z. "Constitutional control of the US supreme court: types of jurisdiction"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article analyzes the problem of constitutional control of the US Supreme Court in the context of its historical development. The US Supreme Court, in the exercise of its judicial function, establishes the constitutionality of statutory acts and actions of public authorities and their officials. It has been determined that two diametrically opposed concepts have historically emerged about the advisability of the Supreme Court of the United States to address issues of political importance -“judicial restraint” and “judicial activism”. According to the former, the Supreme Court must refrain from considering matters of political importance. However, his individual decisions inevitably relate to politics, and labeling certain issues as political helps judges see the limits of their authority. It has been found that the lawmaking of the US Supreme Court is divided into two types: 1) lawmaking to interpret constitutional rules and fill in the gaps in legal regulation; and 2) lawmaking related to the creation of separate regulations – regulations of its activity, special memorandums for employees. The US Supreme Court has never been “bound” by its own decisions, and US judicial precedent is considered rather flexible.

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