The role of advocacy in the mechanism of protection of human rights and freedom

: 13-19

Bochlylyak N. I. The role of advocacy in the mechanism of protection of human rights
and freedom

Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article analyzes the role of the Ukrainian Bar Institute in the mechanism ofprotection of human and citizen’s rights and freedoms. Attention is drawn to the fact that themodern component of the characteristics of the national bar association is directly related to14the change of vector not only in the field of improvement of the judicial system, but also as anindependent civil society institute formed in Ukraine. The legal nature of the Institute ofAdvocacy as a human rights organization and its place in the system of protection offundamental rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen are determined. It is proved that byits nature, the bar is one of the main institutions of a democratic society, as it carries out aconstitutive civic function – to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legalentities. The analysis of the functioning of the Bar in the human rights mechanism of modernUkraine confirms its significant role in the formation and functioning of civil society.

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