The decisive feature of educational technology is the progressive, often progressive
nature of their development in terms of technical means. The bottom line is that the total input
of the computer into the educational sphere requires careful review, analysis of allcomponents
of the learning process. In the distance learning, the following Internet technologies are
actively used: virtual communities - focus on communication, which determines the effective
development of communication competence of the student; virtual worlds – fabricate various
possible situations for the student, which is de facto impossible to reconstruct in reality, both
from an ethical and practical point of view, at the same time, everything in the virtual
environment is understood to be taken as a fragment of life or an element of reality; online
games – primarily aimed at communication and interaction, determine the perspective, that is,
they give a certain chance to develop social competence and psychological adequacy, prevent
the occurrence ofvarious internal conflictsor later help them to effectively solve.
In the process of organization of distance learning in order to ensure effective
interaction, one must adhere to the following fundamental principles: a solid, solid
organization of didactic dialogue; simulation of a kind of dialogue in the educational materials
themselves; the creation of individual assistance, assistance to students between stationary
classes: counseling, providing curious educational material, which can provide the demands of
modern students; saving time distribution between the mutual activity of teachers and
students ofdistances education and their independent work.
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