Dominans for university education in globalization society

: 55-62

Kucherenko N. V.
"Dominans foruniversityeducation in globalization society"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article defines the dominant elements of the development of universityeducation in a 
globalized  society.  The  attention  that  the  University  should  notonly  produce  some  ideas  to 
develop  certain  trends  in  science,  and,  above  all,  topromote  the  progressive  social 
development,  to  fully  ensure  the  requests  andneeds  of  modern  man.  Overcoming  the 
traditional  prevailing  mass-reproductivenature  of  the  development  of  higher  education  is  to 
bring  it  to  a  personal  level.  Asignificant  role  in  this  process  is  played  by  legislative  initiatives 
on  highereducation,  designed  not  only  to  formalize  its  main  provisions,  but  alsodramatically 
affect  its  formation  and  further  European  progress.  The  maindominant  favor  innovation  – 
focused  search  for  ideas  to  resolve  thecontradictions  of  its  development  is  done  by  testing  in 
the form of education(training) experiment or pilotproject. Innovation in university education 
areinevitable  dynamic  in  nature  and  developing  the  results  of  their  implementationcan  solve 
the contradiction between the traditional systemand the need for newquality education. 

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