Innovation model of higher education in the context of analysis of national legislation

: 103-110

Romanian M. "Innovation model of higher education in the context of analysis
of national legislation"

Department of Theory and History of Stateand Law, Constitution aland international law Lviv State University of Internal Affairs Ph.D.

In the article on the basis of the current national legislation taking into account modern challenges, an innovative model of higher education institution in Ukraine is outlined. In the system of institutions of higher education of Ukraine, the following four main types of ownership can be distinguished: it is a state-owned higher education institution established by the state financed from the state budget and subordinated to the relevant central executive body; Higher education institution owned by the Autonomous Republic of Crimea – established by the authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, financed from the budget of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and subordinated to the authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; Higher education institution – founded by local authorities, financed from the local budget and subordinated to local authorities; a higher education institution of a private property form is based on private property and is subordinate to the owner or owners. It is proved that the prospects for the development of an institution of higher education on an innovative basis depend on those reforms that regulate this sphere of activity, and, sadly, from the political vector. In this case, the specific feature of the process of reforming education is that it is virtually impossible to implement it gradually. The reform should take place systematically in all directions and reflect all aspects of the activity of higher education not only in the present time, but also in perspective.

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