Concept of administrative and legal support and its mechanism

: 173-180

Chystokletov L., Khytra O. "Concept of administrative and legal support and its mechanism"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Department of Administrative law and administrative process of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs,

The topicality of the article is due to the need for scientifically substantiated definitions of the concepts of administrative and legal support (hereinafter referred to as ALS) and its mechanism, the formulation of which is its purpose. A systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, expert assessments were used in the process of realization of the article purpose. The analysis of a number of views on the essence and structure of administrative and legal support has been done. This analysis identifies advantages and disadvantages of these concepts, as well as those main points that are necessary to formulate the definition of "administrative and legal support". In particular, these points include the notion of "administrative and legal basis" used by some administrators, which reflects a set of interrelated, internally agreed fundamental legal acts, which contain legal principles and norms aimed at the administrative and legal regulation of public relations in accordance with public needs. The following definition of ALS has been proposed: administrative and legal support is the administrative and legal basis of influence of public authorities’ subjects in the sphere of public management, and their activities, aimed at the formation, use and improvement of the mentioned above basis for the purpose of implementation the administrative law goals. A number of interpretations of the concept of "mechanism of administrative and legal support" have been considered. In the course of their analysis, it has been found out, in particular, that some experts identify the concept of “mechanism of administrative and legal support” and “administrative and legal mechanism”, and the requirement that the definition of the ALS mechanism should contain a clear indication of the institutional component in this mechanism has been taken into account. It has been concluded that the ALS mechanism is a system formed by legal and natural persons, due to the actions of which this support, as well as the principles, forms, methods of administrative and regulatory technologies and management technologies are functioning and improving.

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